How To Turn On Universal Access For Tf2 Mac

Usually I play on windows, but over the winter break I have to play on my Macbook Pro (long story). It's frustrating to play on, since I get low fps and mouse lag. I can kinda deal with low fps to an extent, but mouse lag makes it nearly impossible to play.
Intel Core 2 Duo
2.4 GHz
1 processor
2 cores
Maxframes config
I've disabled vsync and multicore rendering, along with mouse acceleration in OS X (since there's no raw input on macs), but it's still there. Is there anything else I can try? Is there anything I can do about fps as well?

  1. Universal Access In The Classroom
  2. Universal Access Time
  3. Universal Access Education

Hello, I am looking at upgrading my Mac mini to 10.15 (MacOS Catalina) but am aware that TF2 as well as parts of Steam may lack 64-bit support on MacOS (at least as of a few months ago). I am unsure if that has changed since. I wanted to find out if anyone has attempted to update to MacOS Catalina and run TF2 with any success, or if anyone is aware of a workaround? Don't update with Mac software update. Install Steam and Tf2. Add -textmode as a launch option. View-Servers join a server.When you join a server it will ask you to turn on Universal Access. Wait a minute or two. Launch tf2 on your windows machine and die.Earbuds for you!

This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable.

Note: This information does not apply to Mac OSX.

Part of Apple's Universal Access software, the EasyAccess control panel provides tools to make Mac OSmore accessible to users who have difficulty using the mouse orkeyboard. To install it, follow these steps:

Universal Access In The Classroom

  1. Insert your Software Install CD and double-click the CD Extras folder within.
  2. Double-click the Universal Access folder.
  3. Drag the Easy Access control panel to yourclosedSystem Folder.
  4. Click OK when the system asks to put Easy Access into theControl Panels folder.
  5. Restart your computer.

Easy Access provides three basic features:

Mouse Keys

The Mouse Keys function allows you to click, double-click, resize awindow, drag, and perform other mouse actions using the numeric keypadon the right side of the keyboard. Following is a list of the numerickeypad keys and their functions:

Numeric keypad key Function
2 Moves mouse pointer down
Moves mouse pointer down to the right
5 Serves as the mouse button
Moves mouse pointer to the right
8 Moves mouse pointer up
Moves mouse pointer up to the right
0 Selects an item
. (the period) Pastes an item

To turn on the Mouse Keys function, pressCmd-Shift-Clear. To turn Mouse Keys off, pressthe Clear key on the numeric keypad. The EasyAccess control panel also lets you turn Mouse Keys on and off,adjust the speed of the pointer's movement, and adjust the length ofthe delay before the pointer moves.

How To Turn On Universal Access For Tf2 Mac

Slow Keys

Universal Access Time

Slow Keys changes the sensitivity of the keyboard by creating a delaybetween acceptable keystrokes. With this feature enabled, yourkeyboard will accept the first keystroke, and then wait anywhere froma split second to a few seconds before it accepts the next keystroke,ignoring any typing in between.

To turn Slow Keys on or off, hold the Return key for fourseconds, until an alert sound notifies you that the feature has beentoggled.

You can change the settings for Slow Keys in the EasyAccess control panel. In addition to turning Slow Keys on andoff, the control panel lets you adjust the delay between acceptedkeystrokes. You can also set Slow Keys to produce an audible clickwhenever a keystroke is accepted.

Sticky Keys

Sticky Keys allows you to type keyboard shortcuts (e.g.,Cmd-s for save, or Cmd-p to print) withoutpressing more than one key at a time. With Sticky Keys active, youcan type a keyboard shortcut by first pressing the modifierkey (Cmd, Ctrl, or Shift), andthen pressing the character key. An icon at the extreme right of themenu bar at the top of the screen changes to indicate whether StickyKeys is on and whether a modifier key has been pressed or locked.

To turn Sticky Keys on or off, press the Shift key fivetimes without moving the mouse.

Universal Access Education

You can also turn Sticky Keys on and off in the EasyAccess control panel, as well as set Sticky Keys to beepwhenever you press a modifier key.